If you or your loved one are fighting an on going battle with drug addiction the help of an drug treatment center will allow you to successfully over come this addiction and regain control of your life. Years of drug use has cause negative effects on your life and the lives of those closest to you. Today is that day they you are able to start picking up the pieces and leave drug addiction in the past. At Beachway Therapy Center you will find the best drug treatment in the New Jersey area.
Fighting Addiction One Day at a Time
There is no over night fix for drug addiction. Treatment takes days, weeks, months and even years for some. Each day you will be assessed to determine how long you will need to day at Beachway Therapy Center. You will receive individualized treatment that will help you work through the physical, mental and emotional addiction you have to drugs. When Doctors and staff feel that you are ready to leave the treatment facility and maintain your sobriety you will then be released to return home.
Your Stay At Beachway Therapy Center
Your stay at Beachway Therapy Center will be rocky at times but staff will do their best to keep you comfortable during your stay. You will receive an individualized treatment plan that will begin with detoxification to cleanse your body of the chemicals and toxins related to drug abuse. You will receive a nonaddictive prescription medication at this time to help control symptoms of withdrawal and reduce cravings.
You will then continue on to therapy and counseling, most of these sessions will be one-on-one, others within a group. The therapy and counseling you receive will help you to work through the mental and emotional aspects of your addiction. You will gain the tools to maintain your sobriety when entering back home.